say cheese!!!
tarik..jgn x tarik
can't find me in those pics?
that's bcoz i wasn't there,
yup! i'm d only person who couldn't make it to diz year's family day..
so sad coz i'm dying to go, but wat to do, bak kate org xde rezeki..
(my flight back was scheduled on d nite of 051208 n d events started after solat jumaat, so there's no way i could make it)
at 1st, it it was planned to be held after raya haji, so i've carefully palnned my xtvities,but after family meeting they decided to have it b4 raya,great....
i've begged to differ but i guess everyone had an extremely tight scheduled..
hmm..well don't mind me then..
(but i still got d green shirt though..cost me 20 bucks..man..)
Love my family so much coz everyone is just so freaking awesome n i couldn't ask for more!
so pity..u'll make it next time..(^_^)..
owh..so nice of u
yeah i'll make sure i'll make it next time
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