'james bond!!!'
dats d very first thing that crossed my mind
when i woke up diz morning
today 06/11/08, d first day of 007 screening
we're so excited to watch
diz is what i've been waiting for ages...finally
so after breakfast we went straight to bukit raja
n bought d earliest screening tickets
like always..prior to it
got a lots of ads..from tiger to nando's n so on
then suddenly all went blank
from d screen to d room..nothing
since 99% of d audience are guys
all were like..'oh man...come on..'
n we're like..'owh scary..plzz dont start riot here'
n after ~15 mins d screen start to gain its function
but..instead of d normal from left to right std of reading
d pics n words were d other way around
chee...how am i suppose to watch that
its like reading newspaper up side down man
but thank God..all back to good conditon
n we managed to survive till end
but i must say dat this 2nd 007 movie starring craig
not really up to my expectation
too much focus was put on d action i guess
hhmm..good job anyway
widie must-watch metre:-
~3 1/2 star~
ugh..it's not a good movie since this craig guy's though..guest wat??
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